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Seilsport 2012

416 Bilder
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12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. First Step - 4 Meter
12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. First Step - 4 Meter
Klaus Thedt

12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA.
12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA.
Klaus Thedt

Seilsport 2012 / Werk Hassmersheim / 2012_06_12 USA

133 768x1024 Px, 12.10.2012

12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 2. Step - 6 Meter
12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 2. Step - 6 Meter
Klaus Thedt

12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 2. Step - 6 Meter, the entrance starts in a narrow hole.
12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 2. Step - 6 Meter, the entrance starts in a narrow hole.
Klaus Thedt

Seilsport 2012 / Werk Hassmersheim / 2012_06_12 USA

127 768x1024 Px, 12.10.2012

12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 2. Step - 6 Meter, the entrance starts in a narrow hole.
12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 2. Step - 6 Meter, the entrance starts in a narrow hole.
Klaus Thedt

12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 2. Step - 6 Meter, the entrance starts in a narrow hole.
12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 2. Step - 6 Meter, the entrance starts in a narrow hole.
Klaus Thedt

Seilsport 2012 / Werk Hassmersheim / 2012_06_12 USA

108 768x1024 Px, 12.10.2012

12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 2. Step - 6 Meter, the entrance starts in a narrow hole.
12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 2. Step - 6 Meter, the entrance starts in a narrow hole.
Klaus Thedt

Seilsport 2012 / Werk Hassmersheim / 2012_06_12 USA

140 768x1024 Px, 12.10.2012

12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 2. Step - 6 Meter, the entrance starts in a narrow hole.
12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 2. Step - 6 Meter, the entrance starts in a narrow hole.
Klaus Thedt

12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 2. Step - 6 Meter, the entrance starts in a narrow hole.
12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 2. Step - 6 Meter, the entrance starts in a narrow hole.
Klaus Thedt

Seilsport 2012 / Werk Hassmersheim / 2012_06_12 USA

115 768x1024 Px, 12.10.2012

12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 2. Step - 6 Meter, the entrance starts in a narrow hole.
12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 2. Step - 6 Meter, the entrance starts in a narrow hole.
Klaus Thedt

12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 3. Step - 10 meter high balcony.
12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 3. Step - 10 meter high balcony.
Klaus Thedt

12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 3. Step - 10 meter high balcony.
12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 3. Step - 10 meter high balcony.
Klaus Thedt

Seilsport 2012 / Werk Hassmersheim / 2012_06_12 USA

136 768x1024 Px, 12.10.2012

12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 3. Step - 10 meter high balcony.
12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 3. Step - 10 meter high balcony.
Klaus Thedt

Seilsport 2012 / Werk Hassmersheim / 2012_06_12 USA

141 768x1024 Px, 12.10.2012

12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 3. Step - 10 meter high balcony.
12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 3. Step - 10 meter high balcony.
Klaus Thedt

12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 3. Step - 10 meter high balcony.
12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 3. Step - 10 meter high balcony.
Klaus Thedt

Seilsport 2012 / Werk Hassmersheim / 2012_06_12 USA

119 768x1024 Px, 12.10.2012

12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 3. Step - 10 meter high balcony.
12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 3. Step - 10 meter high balcony.
Klaus Thedt

12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 3. Step - 10 meter high balcony.
12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 3. Step - 10 meter high balcony.
Klaus Thedt

12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 3. Step - 10 meter high balcony.
12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 3. Step - 10 meter high balcony.
Klaus Thedt

12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 3. Step - 10 meter high balcony.
12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. 3. Step - 10 meter high balcony.
Klaus Thedt

12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. Last Step - 35 meter high tower.
12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. Last Step - 35 meter high tower.
Klaus Thedt

Seilsport 2012 / Werk Hassmersheim / 2012_06_12 USA

124 768x1024 Px, 12.10.2012

12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. Last Step - 35 meter high tower.
12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. Last Step - 35 meter high tower.
Klaus Thedt

12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. Last Step - 35 meter high tower.
12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. Last Step - 35 meter high tower.
Klaus Thedt

12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. Last Step - 35 meter high tower.
12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. Last Step - 35 meter high tower.
Klaus Thedt

12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. Last Step - 35 meter high tower.
12.06.2012 Reppeling aktion with my people from the USA. Last Step - 35 meter high tower.
Klaus Thedt

Seilsport 2012 / Werk Hassmersheim / 2012_06_12 USA

123 768x1024 Px, 12.10.2012

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